Why Won’t My Puppy Eat?

No matter how hard we try to keep our puppies healthy, we need to realize that it is not at all unusual for puppies to sometimes go on strike against eating.

This does not mean that you should ignore your puppy if he or she stops consuming food. It does mean that you, as the responsible party for the welfare of your dog, need to use diligence and keep a very close eye on your puppy. You need to determine the reason your puppy has stopped eating. If you can’t figure it out, do not waste time. Schedule an appointment with your puppy’s veterinarian.

A pause in your puppy’s regular eating habits can be a sign of a serious illness or an indication of a minor problem. That is why it is important to find the reason for the loss of appetite.

There are several common reasons why puppies refuse to eat. Illness is the one you have to worry most about. That is why it is best to have a veterinarian examine your dog. A loss of appetite can indicate anything from a mild stomach upset to a serious illness that can be fatal. A few serious illnesses that can cause a loss of appetite include cancer, kidney failure, dental problems, pain from trauma, liver issues or systemic infections.

However, there are some reasons that do not indicate a serious problem. If you live in a home with multiple dogs, be sure that another dog is not bullying your puppy into giving up his or her food. Try feeding the puppy in an area that the other dogs cannot access.

If you are traveling with your puppy that suddenly goes on strike against his or her food, the reason for a loss of appetite could simply be that your dog is protesting against the unfamiliar surroundings.

Motion sickness is also a common cause of a loss of appetite among puppies. This situation should rectify itself.

Vaccinations can cause a puppy to lose his or her appetite. It is possible for some dogs to experience a reaction to the vaccine. Fortunately, this problem is usually short lived and quickly corrects itself.

Some puppies are picky about what they eat. You may have to try several brands of food until you find one that suits your dog. However, if this problem continues, schedule an appointment with the puppy’s veterinarian. It is important to determine whether it is a case of pickiness or a health problem.

As crazy as it may sound, the height of your puppy’s dishes from the floor can be the cause of a decrease in appetite. An improper height of the dishes can actually cause back pain for some dogs. Discuss the problem with the puppy’s vet. The doctor can make a recommendation for the ideal height of the food dish from the floor.

Obviously, this will depend on the size of your puppy. You may have to change the height as your puppy grows.

Rummaging through garbage is a common reason for your puppy’s loss of appetite. The change in diet can cause gastric distress, which usually goes away in 24 hours or less.

You can always try a mixture of boiled hamburger or chicken mixed with rice. Many veterinarians recommend this diet to combat stomach issues. However, if your puppy does respond positively in a day, make an appointment with the veterinarian. It is best to err on the side of caution.

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