How to Make Your Own Dog Shampoo

Dog shampoos can be very costly and some can even be too harsh for some breeds. Making your own natural product is a viable alternative to the more expensive, often chemical-based shampoos on the market.

Making your own shampoo is as easy as mixing a few ingredients together. Once mixed, pour everything into an airtight container to keep on hand for months to come.

Baking soda is an inexpensive product that can be used alone or it can be combined with other ingredients to make a shampoo that gets the dirt out. Baking soda is good if your dog easily gets dirty and you want to avoid too-frequent shampoos. Simply sprinkle the baking soda onto your dog’s coat and work it in with your hands. Follow the application with a thorough brushing and you might be surprised just how shiny and odor-free your dog is.

Baking soda is a good cleaning agent because its gritty texture allows it to grab onto dirt and oils that are stuck to the dog’s coat.

Some people prefer to add water to the baking soda and use it as a liquid. This method also works.

If you want to try to make other shampoos, keep in mind that pH is an important part of the recipe. Body pH measures the number of hydrogen ions in solution within the body. An acidic pH has less ability to attract hydrogen ions while an alkaline solution has a high ability to attract the hydrogen ions. “P” stands for potential and “H” stands for hydrogen.

The normal pH balance for dogs is 6.2 to 8.62. Research has shown that pH varies among dog breeds. German shepherds generally have more alkaline skin that golden and Labrador retrievers. This may explain why Labs have more skin problems than shepherds.

A gentle shampoo that cleans well can be made by mixing two teaspoons of liquid castile soap and two tablespoons of aloe vera gel together in a bowl. Add two cups of water and mix gently. Be careful not to shake the mixture too hard or too fast because it will become bubbly and more difficult to work with.

Another mixture can be made from two cups of water, two cups of apple cider vinegar, two cups of dish washing liquid and four ounces of glycerin. Mix gently and store in an airtight container. If using this recipe, it is very important to check the pH of the dish washing liquid. Not all brands will fall into the proper pH category.

You can feel free to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the above mixture. Be careful not to add more than a few drops because oils can burn a dog’s skin.

Using your own homemade shampoo to wash your dog is a green way of life. It lessens the exposure to harmful chemical additives that are often found in commercial shampoo varieties. The milder homemade versions can be used more frequently without causing any skin irritation.

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